Living aboard our 30-foot yacht Mirrool, we’ve realised the freedom of not having to make a weekly grocery shop. This saves time and money, as well as, allowing us to live remotely for extended periods of time. If you’d like to experience this freedom, we can teach you how to provision for up to 6 months of the year, whether you want to live remotely, be more self-reliant, or you are preparing for an extended excursion of your own by sea or land.
We can help you if you are interested in any, or all, of the following:
growing your own food over a short period of time without having to maintain a garden (or as a supplement to your own garden);
eating affordable and sustainable foods;
maximising the nutritional value of the food you store and eat; and
saving money on your yearly grocery spend.
If you would also like to know how to:
prepare a long-term provisioning list with all essential ingredients;
grow your own fresh food from grains, seeds and legumes over a short period of time without a garden;
increase the nutritional value of your dry provisions;
choose the right fruit and vegetables that will keep for long periods of time;
effectively store your food for longer periods of time;
quickly cook dried foods to save fuel and time;
avoid purchasing a lot of heavy tinned food to provision which has the potential of going rusty if you live aboard;
maximise the storage space potential of your home; and
reduce unnecessary food packaging
then you must grab a copy of our FREE Boat Provisioning Guide.
You will discover that living this way is easy and will save you time and money in the long term but will involve a little bit of organisation and investment from the outset.
Some of the topics the Boat Provisioning eBook covers:
- Grains
- Legumes
- Sprouting
- The best tinned foods
- Milk Powder and its uses
- Fermenting and Preserving Food
- Storing fresh food
- Herbs and spices
- Our shopping list for 4 to 6 months remote travel
Plus lots of our favourite recipes to give you a bit of inspiration once you’re provisioned and ready for remote travel or nuclear holocaust.
Click here to receive your FREE copy of our Provisioning Guide.

Thanks Pascale, your provisioning guide was a very good read.
Interesting you don’t make use of dried tomatoes, I’m sure there is a reason why? Cost could well be a factor, maybe it’s the sulphites.
The other thing I find good is condensed milk, it’s does come bundled with sugar though. Keeps well opened & comes in a coconut milk variety, as I don’t do dairy.
A final suggestion is one of these.
Pressure cookers are great, but really don’t let flavours develop. Thermal cookers are slow cooking without the electricity & heat loss. Can’t burn the meal, excellent for stocks, curries, soups & stews. Can leave the dish to cook while you’re out doing other things.
Have also bookmarked about 40 FRS episodes as they contain things I want to be able to find later. 🙂
Thank you both for all your efforts.
Keep up the great content.
Hi Graeme. We’d definitely do dried tomatoes if we made them ourselves. I’ve tried to order them in the past but they are hard to find! Maybe next summer if we are near a tomato producer! The dream pots are great but we have a space issue on Mirrool so we’ve held off getting one – you can also cook big tubs of yoghurt in them which is pretty fantastic (next boat next boat!!!) I’m planning on putting together an index of all the “how-tos” and information in our videos for the website here. Stay tuned! Pascale
I can’t get the free provisioning guide in Safari. There’s just the photo and heading and nowhere to fill in my details.
Hi Steve – I have sent you an email with the document attached. Cheers Pascale
Thanks Pascale, that will be a gift that keeps on giving for years. I recently tool a tip from Emily on Emily and Clarks adventure and have been packing my dried foods into 1.5 litre PET bottles (I found some squarish ones from apple juice but have since discovered that water comes in squarish 4 litre PET bottles which have 48 mm knecks), and have begun building up my long term food stocks on SV Aurora Leigh. There is so much knowledge and common sense (not so common any more) in provisioning and preserving. Thanks again for making this available.
You’re welcome Bill. We also use old vinegar PET bottles for storing our grains and coffee. They work great!
Hi Pascale, thanks so much for the free guide and sharing all your tips and recipes.
Very much enjoyed your
We have a similar approach to food on board with bulk dried goods, pulses, grains, sprouts, yoghurt, coffee, treats etc so it was really helpful to see your quantities for several months.
I make our own delicious cracker biscuits – seeded lavosh style which saves cost and storage space over store bought ones. They are baked in the oven which you may not have one?
Also make a really wicked no bake “cherry ripe” bliss block with dried cherries, coconut, cacao etc as a chocolatey treat substitute. I highly recommend dried cherries in the dried fruit essentials. Yummmm! Let me know if you’d like the recipes.
We are currently leisurely cruising up the west coast of WA, eventually heading for the Kimberley, round the top and out East.
If any of your readers are in the southwest of WA I can highly recommend Southwest Provisions in Dunsborough for bulk dried goods – excellent qualiy and very good prices. On our way up from Albany I was able to buy a lot of bulk goods there and they included delivery to the shore where we were anchored.
Thanks again for sharing. Happy sailing and eating!
Yes I made sun dried seed crackers when we were in Western Australia as it was hot and dry enough to cook them outside in the cock pit on a tray with good ventilation. If I had an oven I would make crackers all the time on board. Since we moved into a house this winter in Tasmania to refit Mirrool I have been making spelt seed crackers in the oven and they are fantastic. We love dried cherries as well if we can find them! We would love it if you could share your cherry ripe recipe here. Have you tried the chia seed chocolate mousse yet in the Provisioning Guide? Good luck with the trip up to the Kimberley! All the best Pascale
Your channel is very good, many if your videos are unic.
Thank you very much for sharing.
Your channel is very good, many if your videos are unic.
Thank you very much for sharing.
If you can, I will like to see your provisioning guide.
Hi Alberto. Thanks for the kind words. Here is a link to download my provisioning guide. We hope you find it useful. Pascale https://mailchi.mp/6d4f0d287d75/provisioningguide
Hi Pascale,
Here’s the recipe with approximate cup measurements. Enjoy!
Cherry Ripe Bliss Block
100g pitted date (about 2/3 cup)
100g dried cherries (about 2/3 cup)
100g cashew nuts or almonds ( about 2/3 cup)
45g dessicated coconut (about 2 tablespoons)
2 tablespoons cacoa powder
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Optional – 1 tablespoon Cointreau or honey
Process til smooth-ish.
Press into a foil or baking paper lined plastic box.
Chill, then cut into squares and keep chilled – if it lasts that long!
Thanks so much Jenni!!! We are looking forward to trying it 😀
hey Pascale, sure would like to have all your recipes.
you need to make your recipe book.
thanks for all the laughs and wonderful adventures. we cant wait to get our own boat to start our own adventures.
I’m working on it Edie! Refit and keeping up with the editing of the videos is taking up a lot of my time at the moment!
Hi, Very new to sailing and love the videos. What do you use to wash dishes with if using cold sea water and throwing the leftover water into the sea and what do you use for showers on the boat (body and hair).
Hi Kay. We use Cussons Morning Fresh which is just ordinary dish washing detergent. It’s biodegradable, lathers in salt water and cuts through grease really well. It works fine when washing dishes in cold salt water with the added benefit that you only have to use a little for it to be effective. For showers, lately we’ve been sponge bathing with a pot of hot water with a few drops of castille soap and peppermint oil and dry shampooing our hair as it is too cold for a wash in the cockpit (we don’t have a shower inside). If it is warm enough to wash our hair out in the cockpit we tend to use dish washing liquid and salt water first to remove the oils and then we heat up some fresh water in a pot to do a second shampoo with a natural shampoo bar. I will then normally heat up another pot of water to do a conditioning treatment. Hope that helps! Pascale
G’Day Pascale,
Thanks for the Provisioning Download. I’m not a yachtie but I do live a bit isolated. I try to go to the shops every two months but would love it if it could be longer (the best I’ve done is six months).
I’ve had some luck at keeping cheese by using cheese wax. It is a simple matter of buying large blocks of cheese, cutting them into ‘one weeks worth’ chunks and dipping them in melted wax. I use special cheese wax but I think any beeswax would do. Then I store them on an open shelf in the panrty, moving them to the fridge once I have opened them.
The cheese does continue maturing so it is probably best not to get a good mature cheese to start with.
This is a fantastic idea! I will try it, just have to source the cheese wax (or see if beeswax is suitable as an alternative!) Thanks Pascale
Put bay leaves in your cereal to keep the bugs away
Thanks for the tip. I always have some stuck in the pantry to keep the weevil months away but might start putting in the actual food containers as you suggest!
Hi Pascale,
My wife and I watch every episode and have really enjoyed them.
I would like a copy of your pickled fish in a jar recipe please.
We hope you are looking for a new yacht and not becoming landlubbers!
Hi David. It will be included in the cookbook coming soon. Cheers Pascale